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White Tea

ID: 136


Price: 17.5 $

Description: White Tea

Pharmaceutical Form: Single Herbs


Camellia senisets: white Tea/ (Recent harvest of green tea buds).

White tea is made from buds and young leaves.
White tea retains the high concentrations of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in greeen tea and practice more potent effect on the following pathological cases.

The regular uses of this tea prevent help and reduce the bad prognosis in:
1.Gastrointestinal, lungs, and pancreas cancer.
2.Diarrhea (clostridia), and help in growing friend intestinal microbes.
3.Catechins substance in green tea has potent effect in severe intestinal inflammatory.
4.For ischemic heart disease and arteriosclerosis.
5.In diseases caused by oxidation or peroxidation.
6.During long term researches green tea has potent effect on healing the prostate cancer.
7.The substance EGCG in the green tea has potent effect in treating and preventing the diabetes mellitus.
8.Help in controlling the over weight and obesity.
9.Prevent breast cancer.
10.Reduce the bad cholesterolemia.
11.Help in pyrexia.
12.Prevent tooth decay through mouthwash.
All information's based on (PDR).
13.Antimutagenic effect. Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, USA.