Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 24


Price: 21 $

Description: For insomnia anxiety and tension

Pharmaceutical Form: Herbal MEDICAL Mixtures




1. Papaver rhoeasa/ flower.
2. Lavandula angustifolia/ flower.
3. Melissa officinalis.

indications and phytochemicals:

for insomnia, anxiety, and enhance feeling and well being.

Phytochemicals and properties:
This formula is indicated for moderate and severe cases of: insomnia and tension.
-Papaver rhoeasa/ flower: the plant contain low level of alkaloid (not opium alkaloids) (PDR/ physician disk reference), and was established as sedative, analgesic and for sleep disorders PDR.
[Alkaloids (there are 30 kinds of alkaloids) found usually in plants such as potatoes and tomatoes (as tomatodin) and some herbs, Many alkaloids can be purified from crude extracts by acid-base extraction and used in high doses for severe cases and (intensive care unit). Some other types used medicinally as analgesic based hypnotic].
- Lavandula angustifolia/ flower: used for mood disturbances such as restlessness or insomnia. PDR
- Melissa officinalis: approved by commission e (Germany) for nervousness, insomnia, and sleep problems.


For adults: middle spoon , or tea bag from the mixture to a glass of boiled water /capacity of 200 ml. ( boiled previously) then cover it for ten minutes, filter it and have it warm half an hour before the meal.
Infant over one year one glass of 200 ml. in several separated dose daily.
Over two years twice daily.

useful combination:

- for psychological stress use the mixture (25).
- In cases of anxiety and depression use the mixture(31).


This fomula and (Herbs in general) contain some compounds with
low-molecular weight and highly lipophilic compounds easily diffuse across cell membranes to induce biological reactions which shall lead to the homeostasis.
THIS fomula contain some herbs classified among plants “generally recognized as safe (GRAS)” by the FDA. And consider as safe herbs by PDR.
These herbs had been used in the alimentary regimen for many populations all over the world hundreds or thousands years ago and still the must important source of remedy and other hitherto used.